Thursday, November 04, 2010

A Frn of mine

wEll lOng Long time no blog...i lost a frn of mine.. or maybe he lost me as a frn...
I am not going to contact him if he is not going to contact me ... Let beyonds.. by beyonds...I can only say I am so disappointed in him.... i think its been at least 3 mnths that we last contact.

Saturday, August 07, 2010


魏晨 - 我想爱
速配歌词 => 配词

一个人也不错 只是有一点寂寞
在朋友散去以后 心突然被掏空了
想着一双手 可以被我紧握着
那属于我的轮廓 在世界哪个角落
倦了累了的时候 有人听我说
那竟是我 忘记的感受
能不能 找一个人爱 对她说甜蜜的对白
不管她到底是关怀 还是伤害
我想要让一个人爱 对她说甜蜜的对白
想着一双手 可以被我紧握着
那属于我的轮廓 在世界哪个角落
倦了累了的时候 有人听我说
互道晚安的温柔 那竟是我忘记的感受
能不能找一个人爱 对她说甜蜜的对白
不管她到底是关怀 还是伤害
我想要找一个人爱 对她说甜蜜的对白
我真的想全力付出 我的爱 =>速配歌词 配词
能不能找一个人爱 对她说甜蜜的对白
不管她到底是关怀 还是伤害
我想要找一个人爱 对她说甜蜜的对白
我真的想全力付出 我的爱

Monday, June 28, 2010


最近发现自己越来越孤僻,纳闷,不爱说话,不爱出门。对人事物也都没什么耐性。就算和朋友去逛街,一下子就累了,闷了,不想再逛了。和一群朋友吃饭聊天时,也是很快就闷了。。 我的灵魂就像是掉入另一个空间, 在那空间里什么都没有。。 只有蓝蓝的天。。什么声音都没有, 在那空间里很平静。。 却总觉的心里空空的,有些朋友了解我,有些朋友误解我。知道他们关心我,可我什么什么都不想说, 因为说不出口, 很多事情只能默默地往肚子里吞。。。

Friday, May 14, 2010




但是又有幾個人真正明白 那意思我只知道我只想你快樂

趁住人多多講講心裏話 咁先至值囘票價
從此得你知我 任何事都不會怕
從來沒有 這麽想一件事 原來有這麽一件事


再等下去 再等下去


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


领悟,是我在这半年的收获. 我不应该还相信, 世界上还会有那么一个对的人. 在也不会期盼着在茫茫人海中能遇见那个能过再次让我心动的人... 没了期望,就不会有失望.. 原来, 暧昧也能很受伤..

友情又是为何那么脆弱? 做朋友的不是应该互相体谅,包容和关心对方吗?为什么会为了小小的事情而伤了和气?
我一直以来都非常的珍惜 和每一位的友谊。。。可是, 我看到的只有无聊的讽刺,争执 和背叛。。

一次又一次的伤害, 让我在一次看到人心丑陋的一面, 让我在一次不想在相信任何人。。。 怎么相信? 如何相信?

好人未必有好报, 只是让人家爬上头欺负的对象罢了。。 所以, 我不在当好人。。


Thursday, April 22, 2010

I hate myself for the stupidness I have before..

Well, I just heard abt some news abt my ex. He actually start being together with that Fking bitch for 1 year before we broke up. I felt stupid. Somehow maybe I did know somthing is amiss but I ignore it? Cos I was emotionally unstable that time...

And I got to know this after 3 yrs... Well, i dunno how should I feel or react when this news is brought up to me. I went into totally blankness. I told a few closed frn abt it.. they asked me not to get affected since its been over for so long and I am living well now.

True enugh its past.. I shouldn't be affected by this. Though I think i might be thinking abt it again at late nite, but i guessed its all over.. I am not affected by it.. but still I really hate myself for knowing this bastard.. and get hurt in such many ways and wasted 5 yrs of youth on him.

Ever since I chose to throw away the memmories with him.. I have also somehow lost alot of other memmories.. somehow now I am very short term memmories.. maybe this is 1 gd thing abt me now.. Everything that I am unhappy abt, will be forgotten very soon.

Everyone tells me he will be retributed.. but after 3 yrs wad I see is only how he dumped that bitch and be with someone else.. well though i think the bitch deserves it.. but.. when will he get retriubuteD?

I seriously hope that he will one day learnt a very serious lesson... for doing all theses.. when will this day come? I dunno...

楊丞琳 - 匿名的好友

楊丞琳 - 匿名的好友

杜松混合茉莉的风 回忆里被爱 那股激动
天色好红 温柔好浓在胸口浮现你的脸容
一起活在这城市迷宫 提起你名字 心还跳动
却没重逢 只有想碰却又不敢碰的那种悸动

该怎麽说让彼此选择 但思念还转动

不能握的手 从此匿名的朋友
其实我的执著依然执著 与你无关泪自行吸收
不能握的手 却比亲人更亲厚
但所有如果 都没有如果 只有失去的温柔 最温柔

当又一次美梦落空 回忆里被爱 那股激动
天色好红 温柔好浓 在胸口浮现你的脸容

那是什麽 让彼此选择 又不仅是尊重

不能握的手 从此匿名的朋友
其实我的执著依然执著 与你无关泪自行吸收
不能握的手 却比亲人更亲厚
但所有如果 都没有如果 只有失去的温柔 最温柔

不能握的手 从此匿名的朋友
其实我的执著 依然执著 却决心和你不再联络
不能握的手 却比爱人更长久
当所有如果都没有如果 只有失去的拥有 最永久

Monday, April 05, 2010


作詞:五月天 作曲:五月天

人 群中 哭著
你再也不會夢 或痛 或心動了
你已經決定了 你已經決定了

你 靜靜 忍著
而回憶越是甜 就是 越傷人了
越是在 手心留下 密密麻麻 深深淺淺 的刀割

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑隻是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了

這 世界 笑了
當生存是規則 不是 你的選擇
於是你 含著眼淚 飄飄蕩蕩 跌跌撞撞 的走著

你 不是真正的快樂 你的笑隻是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了

你不是真正的快樂 你的傷從不肯完全的愈合
我站在你左側 卻像隔著銀河
難道就真的抱著遺憾一直到老了 然后才后悔著

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑隻是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了

你不是真正的快樂 你的傷從不肯完全的愈合
我站在你左側 卻像隔著銀河

你值得真正的快樂 你應該脫下你穿的保護色
為什麼失去了 還要被懲罰呢
能不能就讓 悲傷全部 結束在此刻 重新開始活著

Friday, April 02, 2010


Well I gussed its oways teh alcohol that can make someone change the feelings...

Trying very very hard... toForget everything.... nothing much on the groud either...

Heaven knows....Heaven knows.....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Busy Days and Nights ~ usED up all my Engery since last monday till noW~

Well, I guessed the emo period should be overnow..
Was actually quite surprised that, that last sat night go ktv pub with KC and Sam.
To acc Kc as he became emo too. I tot with the Aid of alcohol I will, once again feel very emo and maybe teared. Instead, no tears, no feeling. Emptyness is wad I feel now.. No sadness or frustrations like before. I guess everything even my feelings.. is gone after the call that nite. Not sure if this is a gd/bad thing. Cos I belive when I mentioned that my heart is sealed up this time rd, I might be just saying it for now..But i gussed It just happened to be that way too. Cos now I totally feel nothing no sadness, no happiness, just emptyness and the fact that I go out everynite after work.. to keep myself busy... till When I reached home I was damn tired and I would just washed up and collaspe into my bed.
Sometimes its gd to cry when u are sad, but what happens if there is no tears???
Though during that call that nite, we did said that we are still friends.. and he even say he will treat me better as a frn.. suppose to be no hard feelings but i guessed that's our very last contact.. he didn't contact me, neither did I...I am glad I have many many frns who care alot for me.. There are always there when i need them, though I didn't say anything to them.. I guess its always damn diff to express my feelings to frns.. so somtimes they tends to mistunderstands.. and i dun liKe to explain.. i just leave the misunderstanding there... well that nite was the last time i ever explain... I will nv do that again.
It used up all my Engery and Courage.... that I have accumulated for this few years..

Fang Le Ai....

Friday, March 05, 2010

Finally Over - The Ugly Truth

Well, let me start off with why I am so tired this whole week. Cos I have alot of thoughts in mind... Qns and no ans... I only can make myself busy to distract myself. Monday, after work i went out with gege and mike... Tuesday, I went ktv pub till 2plus am with a frn. Wed, I went ktv with joe, kexin and a frn till am again.. and Totally Shagged out till i need to take 1/2 day leave... today.. and after work.. I went out again with yan... to get my baby G and shop shop... I was so happy when I finally Get my many years WISH(TO GET a BABY G!!! I nv have had one)... But when yan reached bugis and we went for dinner at V8 cafe, she ask me so wad happen ? I told her i dun wish to say cos i will be sad... in the end i still got to say..out... haiz... so after that I got Totally EMO mode again =( and She tell me if she was me.. she will Call him and ask exactly wad happen shouldn't keep inside the heart ... will feel very xinku... And after that we went shopping.. but i wasn't in the mood.. cos already turn EMO mode... lol wadever she tell me or ask me.. i just say ya.. nice.. go and try... I was very tired at the same time...

And this time i really think through wad she told me and... finally when i reach nearby my place... I called him up... to have a chat with him... Finally everything was clear... he mentioned that it was all his fault... and I did nothing wrong... well i also xian already .. I just wan him not to he said that he feels that he couldn't really put in 100% effort cos of his previous experience too so... he dun wish to hurt me.. so when all this things took place he decided not to disturb me and stop everything... To him : he might thing ya since we have not even started so it might be a gd thing.. that he stop early... but sad to say,.. actually its tOO late for him to even appologize already. Cos for my part I am struggling myself.. he dunno or no one knows how hard it is for me to even unLOCk my heart for the special one to come in... and now i think its my fault to cos my own misery.. I shouldn't have even give any hopes for anyone ... I shouldn't ... cOs when there is no hopes, there will be no dissapointment... and no dissapoinment means.. i will be gd... at least i won't be eMO =( .. Well but at least everything is clear now.. I suddenly feel so relax now...

Monday, March 01, 2010


Hm.. was chating on Msn with zhong, he ask me abt hows things going on... and i told him roughly wad happen...I couldn't force him to tell me his thoughts and i couldn't force him to reply the only thing i could do is to give up and stop all this by not contact him anymore.. and tell him when i start to open my heart this is wad I get...
I told him actually its not like i really like him that much.. its just that I dun like the idea of y is heaven being so unfair to me? y does it always be like dat? Am i really asking too much? anD its not like I like this guy.. I ask him out kinda of thing.. its he makes me think that he is I started asking zhong... qns that I acutally I asked kc before too... lol am I not gd enugh?,am I not pretty enugh? am I not attractive eungh? am I that kind of ger that u will ever like? he replied was: u are gd, and above average... but maybe because sometimes u keep to yourself too much.. let ppl have a feeling of too distant...感觉有点难接近 ... hm... i guess its might be true?
Perhaps its all becos of the terrible experience that I had 3 years ago... with that jerk...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tired ~

Well, finally everything is over~ end of FEB!

Look forward to a brand new month! Lets hope it will be better for all of us =)

Had a funny lunch today with family~ lolx - for more info watch the video at my FB


I cried ./.. after going to v's place... cos drinka bit too much and today's chinese valentine;s daY + my chinese bday... =( SADED... have beebn emo recently... but trying to keep it to heart for verylong till i bursted out.., finally with the aid of alcohol.... finally... .. I cried... =(... i fellvery very terrible... all I wanted is.. to let it go.. everyhting.. let out my frustration, my agonuy, my feelings// everything......

Friday, February 26, 2010

New post of the Year 2010

Sad to say I lost my SE W705 on 1st of Oct 2009 =( and used back my stupid old Motorola phone.Have been using it since then..till now. Wanted to get SE satio, but i still have more den 1 year contract =(. Alot of frns ask me to get iPhone instead. LOL i told them i anti-iphone.. so diff to use lol. Played with a few of thier iphones... that day I played with Cy's iphone. I was telling him iphone so difficult to use. And he was telling me how difficult can it be, theres only 1 button. And my reply was its difficult cos ther is only 1 button lol. I wasn't use to touch screen. I still prefer using buttons.
Well hm, this year is just the beginning of the year.. and there is only 1 major wish. Is to open my heart and try to accept new r/s and FALL in love once again~! After resting for 3 years... I felt that its time to open my heart again.
And finally, when he comes to my life 'suddenly', he was catogizied as a very nice guy. To me, I am okay with him... i mean i need to know more abt him before I could really open my heart.. As time goes by, we txt sms everyday.. and he was very caring.. all that... but as time getting by I was suddenly afraid that i might just fell in deep again. So I am in a delima.. wanted to try yet.. I was afraid.. of loving and getting hurt again.
Everything changes on the day I went dbl O.. or maybe even b4 that.. I am not sure how it happen why it happen.. but.. I swear i have no idea how I got drunk. That nite I was drunk.. I actually I asked my frn to call him to ask him fetch me..omg (I felt so stupid for doing that.. I must have really develop some kind of trust in him but i think he is mistaking it.. might think somthing else...)Cos I was totally drunk.. I can't really rem what happen that actual nite. But my frn told me what accutally happen that nite.
She told me that I accutally ask her to call him to fetch me.. but he sounds very sian and asked how come i drank so much till drunk? And she told him cos they make me drunk... Den he told her that he will call back again and.. immediately after this call.. she told the rest of them wad happen .. they were saying if that guy is really interested in me he would need so much time to think and no hesitation. So thier conclusion for him was that maybe he is not really into me? and soon after that FY told hz that he asking ym to come and sent us home...
So after I heard all these i was thinking 2 things.. 1st. I feel very ashame of myself for the call part. 2nd thing. I felt upset on the conclusion that hz and the rest came up to.And after that I was feeling very tired and that day suppose to reach v's place earlier but since he mentioned b4 he will reach late.. and I have to go K'huse to bia nian .. so I tot might as well stay at K's huse long.. and only reach V's huse ard 10.30pm..
And when i was on the way there i msged him ask him wad time he reaching.. he replied that he was already there.. (I was suprised that he reached even earlier den me) and when i am reaching then I saw his 2nd msg that he already left.. saying that he was tired. Iam very disappointed again.. Still thinking of wad happen ytd.. and today.. so I tot he was avoiding me.. perhaps.. perhaps.. then the 3rd msged came in.. saying abt wad happened last nite.. say my frn called up said i was durnk and ask him to come fetch me.. i reply him ya.. but i can't rem a single thing and reply him sorry.. he said that he did caled back but no one pick it up and then hz called him to tell him no need to come as another frn will be comming.
At that moment.. I was thinkgin abt his msg.. should i believe him? he also mentioned that time he already fall aslp.. didn't think much.. was tired.. and to make things worst.. after everyone left, only me, v & bro.. we talk toking abt this.. and they try to be funnnythey sent him some stupid msg.. that I later found out.. but i just ignored.. i think he totally mistaken.. already.. after that msg that they sent out... =( I was sad.Totally saded.
And ever since that day i feel that he is being cold.. and i feel the coldness.. I dare not think too much.. And I dun like to keep on guessing and having any false hope... so I posted on fb.. Lock up my heart once again. I am tired. I might be too over protective over myself.. i just dun wish to get hurt again.. i rather give up.. and after that post that nite.. he sms me ask me if i know the meaning of cest la vie.. and told me its a song by fish leong ask me go listen it.. ok and i swear i listen it before i even have the MTV downloaded b4 and i listen and listen i still dun understands wad is he trying to tell me.. or he just wanna counsel me asking me dun feel so sad cos he might not know what acutally I msged him and ask him to explain cos i dun understands... but no reply.. and after 1 day .. I asked him again.. still there is not reply.. well I hate the feeling go guessing.. so I can only tell myself... I got to stop all these..he is not into me.. come on ger, let it go... Well he can choose not to reply me.. but i cannot force him to do anything.. so I can only force myself not to text him anymore.. if only human brain is same as a PC where u can restore its setting back to the day you wanted? ... I can only choose to give up and forget everything..
I have been emo since that day.. i hated myself being too emo.. cos my frns.. will be worried for me.. and i dun like dat.. they must always rem me being cheerful, crazy and crappy! My frns are the only precious gifts in my life.. so glad to have them... though kc very gayish at times.. haha but he still quite nice haha let me disturb him even though he is busy when sam actually told him i very emo.. haha Sam too thanks.. cos though i nv say much of wad happen he also realised that i am being emo.. thanks.. and zhen zhen.. after i told her how my feelings these few days she give me a very depressed looked.. even more upset den me.. when i asked her.. y look so sad.. i am ok ar.. her reply was..: I feel sad for u ...

Also to avoid any further misundetstanding i decided not to post anything much on that he wont know.. all these. and its only for me to vent all my frustration out... i hope he will nv find out. =) ALl the best to him.. and now i can only let time heals.. or rather washed off any bad or unwanted memmories.. and hopefully I will still be able to go one to find a right guy...