Thursday, April 22, 2010

I hate myself for the stupidness I have before..

Well, I just heard abt some news abt my ex. He actually start being together with that Fking bitch for 1 year before we broke up. I felt stupid. Somehow maybe I did know somthing is amiss but I ignore it? Cos I was emotionally unstable that time...

And I got to know this after 3 yrs... Well, i dunno how should I feel or react when this news is brought up to me. I went into totally blankness. I told a few closed frn abt it.. they asked me not to get affected since its been over for so long and I am living well now.

True enugh its past.. I shouldn't be affected by this. Though I think i might be thinking abt it again at late nite, but i guessed its all over.. I am not affected by it.. but still I really hate myself for knowing this bastard.. and get hurt in such many ways and wasted 5 yrs of youth on him.

Ever since I chose to throw away the memmories with him.. I have also somehow lost alot of other memmories.. somehow now I am very short term memmories.. maybe this is 1 gd thing abt me now.. Everything that I am unhappy abt, will be forgotten very soon.

Everyone tells me he will be retributed.. but after 3 yrs wad I see is only how he dumped that bitch and be with someone else.. well though i think the bitch deserves it.. but.. when will he get retriubuteD?

I seriously hope that he will one day learnt a very serious lesson... for doing all theses.. when will this day come? I dunno...

楊丞琳 - 匿名的好友

楊丞琳 - 匿名的好友

杜松混合茉莉的风 回忆里被爱 那股激动
天色好红 温柔好浓在胸口浮现你的脸容
一起活在这城市迷宫 提起你名字 心还跳动
却没重逢 只有想碰却又不敢碰的那种悸动

该怎麽说让彼此选择 但思念还转动

不能握的手 从此匿名的朋友
其实我的执著依然执著 与你无关泪自行吸收
不能握的手 却比亲人更亲厚
但所有如果 都没有如果 只有失去的温柔 最温柔

当又一次美梦落空 回忆里被爱 那股激动
天色好红 温柔好浓 在胸口浮现你的脸容

那是什麽 让彼此选择 又不仅是尊重

不能握的手 从此匿名的朋友
其实我的执著依然执著 与你无关泪自行吸收
不能握的手 却比亲人更亲厚
但所有如果 都没有如果 只有失去的温柔 最温柔

不能握的手 从此匿名的朋友
其实我的执著 依然执著 却决心和你不再联络
不能握的手 却比爱人更长久
当所有如果都没有如果 只有失去的拥有 最永久

Monday, April 05, 2010


作詞:五月天 作曲:五月天

人 群中 哭著
你再也不會夢 或痛 或心動了
你已經決定了 你已經決定了

你 靜靜 忍著
而回憶越是甜 就是 越傷人了
越是在 手心留下 密密麻麻 深深淺淺 的刀割

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑隻是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了

這 世界 笑了
當生存是規則 不是 你的選擇
於是你 含著眼淚 飄飄蕩蕩 跌跌撞撞 的走著

你 不是真正的快樂 你的笑隻是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了

你不是真正的快樂 你的傷從不肯完全的愈合
我站在你左側 卻像隔著銀河
難道就真的抱著遺憾一直到老了 然后才后悔著

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑隻是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了

你不是真正的快樂 你的傷從不肯完全的愈合
我站在你左側 卻像隔著銀河

你值得真正的快樂 你應該脫下你穿的保護色
為什麼失去了 還要被懲罰呢
能不能就讓 悲傷全部 結束在此刻 重新開始活著

Friday, April 02, 2010


Well I gussed its oways teh alcohol that can make someone change the feelings...

Trying very very hard... toForget everything.... nothing much on the groud either...

Heaven knows....Heaven knows.....